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December 2024 – Walmart Marketplace

Looking to amp up your listings? Rich Media can help! By filling your product pages with 360-Spin images, engaging videos, and detailed below-the-fold content, you can help boost customer interaction and make your products shine. Now, with Optiwise.ai, an AI-based tool designed for Walmart content management, you can generate unlimited rich media with a single click. Best part? It’s totally FREE until December 31, 2024. 

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These ultramodern Walmart Fulfillment Services’ (WFS) facilities employ state-of-the-art technologies to bring the fulfillment process from 13 steps down to five. The ultimate goal? To provide your customers with a faster, more reliable end-to-end experience. Step inside and see how it works! 

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Walmart Connect’s advertising solutions can help boost your business without breaking the bank. This webinar will walk you through advertising basics and best practices, from getting retail ready to launching your first campaign. Discover how advertising can help you save time and get you in front of millions of customers. Join us on Tuesday, January 14 at 10 AM PT/12 PM CT/1 PM ET.  

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Walmart Marketplace Capital offers funding to help you grow your business. And now, if you qualify, you can receive part of your available balance as soon as the next day, skipping the standard two-week wait. Faster Payouts are now available for eligible international sellers as well! 

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Walmart protects your security and privacy. We will never ask for personal information (such as passwords or credit card numbers) in an email. If you receive such a request, please do not respond to the email.

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