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New General Mills Kit Kat Cereal Rumored to Launch in June 2023

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3 boxes of Kit Kat cereal

After a successful debut overseas, rumor has it that the US is finally getting its very own version of Kit Kat breakfast cereal! According to food blogger Markie Devo, the new cereal will be made by General Mills.

If the US version is anything like the Kit Kat Cereal that was sold in the UK, we can expect the stateside variety to have a satisfying, wafer-like texture and a rich, milk-chocolate coating. It sounds like this cereal will stay true to the candy that inspired it!

Although General Mills has yet to come forth and confirm this rumor, we’re starting to see signs that it may be true. It looks like the Hannaford grocery store website already has a product page established for this chocolatey new breakfast treat! 🤞

Hopefully, we’ll get a chance to try Kit Kat Cereal soon! Word on the street is that we can expect to see it appearing in stores nationwide by June of 2023.

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