Month: July 2022

EconomicsStaff's PicksTips and TricksTrending

How to Put an Army Promotion Packet Together

Your unit will announce when they’re considering promotion board packets. They’ll send correspondence to their subordinate...

EconomicsStaff's PicksTips and TricksTrending

Law of Attraction – Step by Step to Attracting Job Promotion

The Law of Attraction can be used for a number of things apart from the obvious money, which everyone wants to attract more of. If...


Crosby, Stills & Nash Music Returns to Spotify – Billboard

Crosby, Stills & Nash music can now be streamed on Spotify once again, five months after David Crosby, Graham Nash and Stephen Stills...


The Difference Between Promotion and Event Marketing

Understanding the role of promotion and event marketing within any campaign requires a clear knowledge of the function of promotion and...

EconomicsStaff's PicksTips and TricksTrending

Music Marketing and Promotion – What’s the Difference?

What is the difference between music marketing and music promotion? Marketing and promotion are often confused among indie musicians. There...
