A History
Paso del Norte

(excerpt from Texas Parks & Wildlife Department) https://tpwd.texas.gov/

The Franklin Mountains overlook the Rio Grande and are the northern ramparts of the Paso del Norte (Pass of the North), leading from Mexico into what is now the United States.

Native Americans have been passing through the area for thousands of years. Over the last four centuries, soldiers, priests, traders, adventurers, gold-seekers, entrepreneurs and many others have followed the same path.

It has been an endless stream in both directions of expansion, settlement, raiding and conquest.

Clues to the past
White painted rock art Native American groups made this area home for almost 12,000 years. They harvested the edible and medicinal plants and hunted the abundant animals of the Franklins. You can see their stories in the colorful pictographs and etched petroglyphs on boulders and rock walls. Look for the deep mortar pits where early people ground seeds in rock outcrops near scattered water sources.

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