Giving out free reports is a powerful way to market you home based business but most people struggle with various ways to advertise their free report, get it right and you will get a flood of traffic to your home based business.
List Ezine Publishers.
You need to generate a list of ezine publishers so you can send them articles to use for their ezine. Ezine advertising is quick and easy, the hardest part is writing the ad copy for your ads and finding ezines to advertise in
some of the top ezine directories are;
- Topezineads
- Direcortyofezines
There is a cost to use these, but they will be your lifeline until you generate a list of ezines yourself.
Advertising campaign.
The whole aim of your advertising campaign is to generate leads for your free report, because the more people that get your free report, the more people will get exposure to your home based business, so you really want to advertise anywhere you think that people might be interested in your free report. Since you are not going for a direct sale, this allows you to be a little less worried about how targeted your audience is.
Classified ads
Start your advertising campaign first with classified advertising, where you can get a classified ad for around $2 per ad.
You can have a look at;
- Partneon
- Twodollarads
If you search through ezine directories you will find lots of other places to advertise cheaply
Even though writing classified ads has turned into an art form, it is not difficult to learn, there are thousands of books on the subject of writing successful classified ads. Although some people do over complicate the issue.
Some ideas as to what makes a good classified ad?;
- An attention grabbing headline.
- A promise
- A Call to action
Once you have found a few good ezines, keep advertising your home base business free reports with them, once you have started making money with your classified ads, it will be time to start using sponsorship ads
Sponsorship ads.
While sponsor ship ads have a dramatic increase in your advertising cost in your home based business budget, the results will also be drastically different. A top sponsorship ad can cost any where between $15 to £300 depending on where you are advertising.
Sponsorship ads will also give you an indication of how will the ezine pulls and whether or not it is worth the time and effort to purchase a solo ad
Solo ads
Also compare the price between a sponsor ship ad or a solo ad, because if you can get a Solo ad for an extra$50, then it will definitely be worthwhile to go for the Solo ad.
Do not make the following mistakes when doing solo ads,
- Do not advertises any affiliate program directly
- Have a look to see if a similar home based business has been advertised before, compare them
- Not having a way to capture email addresses.
Discussion board posting
Another method of free advertising for your home based business, is by discussion board posting, which can be extremely effective especially if the message board is inside a members-only site where you paid to join.
The idea here again is not to spam the message board, but to actually add some content. Only answer questions you know a lot about, do not try to come across as an expert on a topic when you are not, this is the best way to ruin your reputation before you are even lucky enough to create one.
Signature files are little burbs of text either after a post in a message board or at the bottom of your email, the idea of the signature file is to make them as short and as compelling as possible.
Link your signature file to your home based business sales page. A good idea is to use a separate tracking system to track how many hits your message board postings are receiving.