Online promotion via e-mail is very simple and similar with Online promotion via chat application. Provided that you have e-mail address and the list of contact, you could perform online promotion. There are two ways to do it.
As the name indicates, this type of e-mail sole purpose is for promotion. Usually contains a brief explanation or information about the products that you offer along with your site address.
I have some tips about how to make your promotion email eye catching:
- use a phrase that can attract readers attention on the title, e.g. “Enough, i’m out”or “NEW notebook just for you”. Although the title might be dramatized a little, it must have a correlation with the content.
- use the opening line that offers a solution to a problem, e.g. “Ever wanted to know how to dominate…” or “looking for new and proven ways to make fast and easy cash online?….”.
- Next, you should make their curiosity into passion to purchase your goods or services. Convey the advantages, your experience, and the superiority of your product, e.g. “Here’s how I got ranked in the top….this new product is like nothing you has ever seen up until now…..”
- Don’t forget to include your site address and active contact information at the end of the e-mail (signature).
- last but not least, the above tips is only a helpful hint on how you should start. The important thing is how you write with your heart, never cheat the consumers, provide guidance about your product to them, and other thoughtful ways towards them, not just making them buy once but again and again.
“The key of marketing is how to win consumers heart over your brand/product”
This is usually added at the end of e-mail and contains your name, site address, contact information, product slogan, and other related information. E-mail signature could be added to any type of e-mail.