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Website Promotion Tips and Tricks

What is the purpose of a wonderfully designed website if you don’t get any traffic to it? What is the purpose of a brick and mortar business if you don’t have a front door? Well, it’s basically the same thing; you need to get your website in front of your potential customers’ eyeballs! Here are some website promotion tips and tricks to help you get a clearer understanding of how to get people to see your beautiful site: find a niche, keywords, create content while using SEO, and update often. Continue reading and I’ll explain how these tips can help you out.

The first of these website promotion tips and tricks you should consider is to find a niche. Why? Well, most people who are looking for something online are searching around for something in specific. Your approach should not be geared to something generic such as: dogs, rugs, or electronics. Try and focus on something definite, such as: dog training collars, large oriental rugs, or plasma screen television sets. You’ll minimize the amount of competition that way, and you’ll increase your chances to get laser-targeted traffic to your website!

The next of these website promotion tips and tricks is to find and implement relevant keywords. First of all, what are keywords? Keywords are the actual words people are typing in to search for specific things online. You should write down which specific words apply to your business. Now take those and put them in a safe place; you will need them if you are going to create content for your website. Doing that research is definitely a big help in getting visitors to take a look at your website.

The third website promotion tip is to create content using SEO. First I’ll define search engine optimization: SEO is (in simple terms) making the search engines like Google happy, by implementing the keywords you have researched into your website. The easiest type of content to create is articles related to your niche. Here are some quick tips for writing an article that will intrigue your readers: create an eye-catching title, keep it short and sweet, and use your keywords naturally in the article. Creating quality content is a great way to promote your website, and it’s important if you want your readers to come back to your website every time you update. This brings me to my next tip…

The last of these website promotion tips and tricks is to update your website often. Try to add fresh content every other week. You could put up an article, new photos, an mp3, or even discount coupons. If you indeed update your website regularly, your visitors will be more apt to return to your website to see what’s new. It’s also good to update because the search engines will give you a better ranking as well.

In summary, using these tips: finding a niche, keywords, create content, and update often you’ll be getting your website in front of potential customers who are looking for your products!

Wishing you the best,

Beth Balcum

Source by Beth Balcum

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