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Get A Glimpse Of IOISH’s Upcoming Album “In Waves” In Their Latest Single, “What You Need It For” – IndiePulse Music Magazine

The jazz-infused latest single, “What You Need It For”, by New Delhi, India’s progressive rock/post-rock band IOISH is a fantastic piece of an instrumental song that you should listen to. The song comes before IOISH’s forthcoming album In Waves.

It is an excellent and constantly changing soundtrack that diverges between subtle understatements and sky-searing crescendos while straddling the progressive and post-rock genres and more ambient and cinematic climates.

The immersive trademark synth lines from “What You Need It For” are followed by a quick jazz-style drumline and a clean guitar riff as IOISH delves deeply into their jazz inspirations. With the inclusion of the horn arrangement by Meredith Moore, IOISH completes the composition and gives the song a more upbeat direction. Finally, with a seamless transition into a post-rock conclusion, IOISH puts the song to bed.

“What You Need It For” portrays the simple things that make life worth living and motivate people to get out of bed in the morning. The founder member of the band Vaibhav Bhutani explains this track also as a part of tiny details of our life that hardly affect our living but give it meaning and enduring hope.

Along with Bhutani and Moore, “What You Need It For” boasts an all-star lineup with Nikhil Rufus Raj on bass, Saksham Gupta on guitar, and Shantanu Sudarshan on drums.

Bhutani is moving toward a more dynamic and theatrical performance with this track instead of repeating the same rock and roll vibes. In addition, he is planning to introduce project mapping and orchestral compositions in his upcoming album “In Waves,” whose short glimpse is presented by the single “What You Need It For”.

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