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Lost Pyramids invites you to get lost with them and the Monsters Under their Bed. – IndiePulse Music Magazine

IndiePulse Reviews Monsters Under My Bed , the Debut Album Release by Lost Pyramids

Review by Joseph Timmons: IndiePulse Music Magazine Journalist

Lost Pyramids is an improvisational, psychedelic jam band that keeps it fresh on stage with dynamic, spacey, improvised jams. The group is comprised of four talented and charismatic members with a unique vision of music, Chuck Wilson on guitar, Larry Sheridan on bass, Andrew Stump on keys and Nate Hockenberry- drums while all members share their vocal talent together.

Photos by Gubert Photos

With an eclectic mix of originals heavily influenced by the music of Phish and the Grateful Dead with a hint of jazz fusion, you never know what you’re going to get. Recently, Lost Pyramids have released their debut album, “Monsters Under My Bed”, on all streaming platforms and it is enjoying much attention in the music world.

In commentary, Andrew Stump had this to say about their fantastic release “This collection of 9 original songs is just a taste of what to experience in a live setting. The quartet thrives during live performance, especially the moments where we really commit to off-the-cuff improvisation. The album was all recorded live in the studio, then revisited the tracks with synth/organ/overdubs/vocals/etc. So, the jam sections, and solos, are improvised for the most part. 

I’d have to say, some of my favorite songs from the album are Party in the Rain, Hero (For You), and the title track, Monsters Under My Bed. Party in the Rain in my opinion is the perfect album opener, the catchy hooks are enough to draw any listener in, followed by a euphoric jam over the changes. Hero (For You) is one of our stranger songs, with a classical-esque introduction, leading into the Gypsy-like main theme. Monsters Under My Bed as the title track of the album includes a heavy “G Minor” groove related to that of a Zappa jam. This song is a great closure to the album, as the improvised section includes some distorted guitar soloing, carnival-esque organ, and a heavy rhythm section, the room for the jam to develop and open up is definitely captured, making due for a great closing statement of tension and release. 

I (Andrew) enjoy the aspect of Lost Pyramids, that we all have common ground and influences, but we also have different backgrounds in music. So, for us to come together and create what we do, is very rewarding for me (Andrew) as it makes me excited for the future in Lost Pyramids.”

In Review: Monsters Under My Bed by Lost Pyramids is just as Andrew Stump, band Keyboardist states, and so much more. These Chicago native artists have taken their influences and used them as a rich foundation in which a vibrant tapestry of music and poetic verse exudes.

Rich instrumental voyages and lyrical musings that keep you focused on their action. I agree that they are in many ways channeling the great Frank Zappa in their wordings, but I think they also have a bit of Captain Beefheart and, at times Country Joe McDonald or even the occasional musical antics of The Firesign Theatre, for the humorous nature that is hidden deep within, maybe a bit of Primus as well. But don’t think that Lost Pyramids is just a copycat band or try to ride the wave of historically great Blues / Jazz / Rock genre composers.

Much of their lyrics have a deep feeling and work well within the beat structures, nothing is forced and the flow is very organic, sometimes even surreal, trippy and always grooving. 

Now, somewhere someone would think that I will point out specific tracks of interest, implying some are better than others or maybe some would not be mentioned, possibly saying some of them fall short of attention… Well, you are mistaken, I personally feel the entire album is a full and masterful success, every track has equal merit and would be best listened from beginning to end, like a story where every word is sacred.

Monsters Under My Bed is a musical dream, no nightmares, only a musical fantasy fulfilled, I hope they decide to release this on vinyl, this deserves to be immortalized on black wax.

Groovy kid, just groovy!

Social Media Links –

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lostpyramidsband

Instagram: https://instagram.com/lostpyramidsband?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Website: https://www.lostpyramidsband.com

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