Written by 2:57 pm Staff's Picks, Tips and Tricks

How to get a nice discount on a Lyft ride to the polls this Election Day

Well what a nice alert to appear in my inbox: This Tuesday, November 8 is Election Day, and to assist voters, Lyft is offering 50% off rides when you preload the code VOTE22 and book a ride through the Lyft app.

Alternately, just open the Lyft app, select the hamburger menu in the top left, tap REWARDS and type in that code, VOTE22.

According to the fine print, you can use it between 5AM and 10PM in your time zone for up to $10 off a car, scooter, or bike share ride. (Maybe if you can swing it, put a little of that savings towards a bigger tip for your driver?)

And even if you don’t need it, pass it on if it’s helpful for a first-time voter you’ve got in the house — or off at college — and wants to grab a few friends when they head to the polls.

While you’re thinking about it, right now, be sure to check your voter registration so you can feel confident that you’ll have a smooth, easy voting experience. Or at least as smooth and easy as your state will allow. Don’t forget to pack water and snacks.

Or better yet — vote early, if you’re in one of the 46 states that allows it. You won’t get that Lyft discount, but maybe the trade-off is worth it.

All Images: Lyft

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