When you write articles and submit them to the article directories, you want them to get read. You will quickly develop a relationship with your reader if you focus all your attention on their needs. By doing so your reader will feel as if you are looking after them and will want to stay in contact with you at least for the immediate future. If you can further develop a relationship with your reader in that time they will become loyal and stay in touch with you long term.
Here is how you can focus on your reader:
#1 – Write about topics that interest your niche market. Your reader is searching for information and if you write articles on their topics of interest then you will attract the attention of your niche market and they will feel as if you are focusing on their needs.
#2 – Write as if you are talking directly to them. The more you use the word ‘you’ in your articles the more your reader will feel as if you are talking directly to them and focusing on their needs. Everyone loves receiving individual attention and you can create that by focusing your articles directly to your reader.
#3 – Impress your reader with your knowledge. Show them that you know what their needs are and you are the one that can satisfy their needs. It is important that you have up-to-date information about what the needs of your target market are as with most things online, things change very quickly over the internet and if you are discussing old issues then you are not focusing on your readers current needs.