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Using Social Media Optimization Tools For E-Business Promotion

Social Media Optimization (SMO) deals with the online publicity of any specific business, products or person engaged in professional or social activities. There are some well defined methods for Social Media Optimization. Basically social media tools (YouTube, Flicker, etc.), online communities and social networking websites are used for this purpose.

Nowadays, some most popular mediums (or tools) being used in Social Media Optimization and Social Business Networking are Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and WordPress (along with other popular blogging websites). Although it’s related (and somewhat similar) to Search Engine Marketing but it differs from Search Engine Marketing in several aspects.

Both target on organic traffic diversion to a website and generating sales leads. However, in Search Engine Marketing the stress is always in driving traffic from major search engine by attaining higher ranks for targeted keywords, whereas in Social Media Optimization traffic is diverted to the intended website from unconventional sources like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace.

To promote e-Business, SMO is essential. One cannot disagree with the importance of SMO and SBN in modern e-Commerce. Nowadays, no online marketing or advertising campaigns are complete without using most popular SMO tools like Facebook and twitter. The world has witnessed extensive use of these powerful mediums in recent US presidential elections.

The reason behind increasing use of SMO tools is the ever increasing user base of Internet and Social Networking. Nowadays, people may not have their own Bank Account or Insurance Policy, but everyone has at least one (or may be many) profiles on Social Networking Websites like Facebook and MySpace. Therefore, targeting these users to sell your products and service is a beneficial act. If done well, you can reap several times more wealth in your e-Business.

A majority of Internet users follow tradition of e-Shopping. They find it convenient, useful and Cost Effective. Therefore if someone is trying (or already having) to enter in any online business, they cannot ignore this large pool of potential customers.

Due to enormous popularity and effectiveness of these tools nowadays, every website gives dedicated place to their Facebook, twitter and MySpace URL’s on their website’s home page. It helps in making interactive communication of messages between two entities (merchant and customers) involved in e-Business.

Source by Steve Lafavore

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