A home decor refresh in seconds with AI.
We all know how hard it can be to come up with new ideas for home decorating. But thanks to a new AI site, Interior AI, you can try out 21 different home decorating trends in seconds, without buying a single new decor item.
Take a photo from one corner of your room, and this new software will generate a variety of different home decorating ideas that you can use as inspiration—from Modern and Minimalist to Bohemian and Cyberpunk—so you can find a fresh new look without spending hours on Pinterest or Houzz looking for inspiration.
Also, it’s possible to upload a photo of your messy room and still get beautiful results!
We recommend trying this tool on your phone, as it’s easier to upload your photo into the generator, but a desktop works, too.
Check out some of our renderings below, and give it a try yourself: Interior AI.
Decorating Inspiration Renders Created by Interior AI
The original photo uploaded as reference:

The AI generated living rooms:

Have you tried Interior AI? Which look(s) did you like for your apartment? Comment below, or share your renderings on Instagram and tag us @primermagazine!